The Rosary Altar Society of St Vincent de Paul unites women of St. Vincent de Paul Parish, 18 years of age and older in religious, educational and social activities.
The Rosary Society is spiritual, social and acts as a fund raiser, assisting at parish events. All women of the parish are encouraged to join. We meet monthly, the first Monday, following the first Sunday of every month from September through December and February through June in the chapel at 7:00 pm. We do not meet in January, July and August.
The primary purpose and goal of the Rosary Society is to praise and honor the Blessed Mother, to secure her patronage by recitation of the Rosary and for the mutual spiritual benefit of all members throughout the world.
Don’t be discouraged if you never prayed the rosary before. We have pamphlets to help you follow along.
All are invited to pray the Rosary whenever possible, and to attend these monthly prayer gatherings. Why not attend one (or all) of our meetings to experience what we are all about?
If interested in joining the Rosary Altar Society, please contact the Parish Office