The water filtration system is finally up and running in Nanpol, Haiti. There were production delays, shipping delays, customs delays and many other obstacles but at last it is in and of great benefit to our sisters and brothers there. Fr. Theo expressed it best in his own words: It is no longer a dream, but it is real: NOU GEN DLO trete NANPOL KOULYE (we have purified water in Nanpol now). I said it in Creole. You know what: to express his deepest feelings, no better than when we speak in our native language. Here is! In February, after your second visit Nanpol, your eighth in Haiti, you started a campaign among your parishioners so that a water system installed for water treated in Nanpol for the good not only of parishioners but also of the whole village. If the Word became flesh and dwelt among us for our salvation; today mobilization and the generosity of your parishioners is Treated Water to restore some dignity to the villager of Nanpol. GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST OF HEAVEN! The parishioners and I are grateful to you all. God will repay all this a hundredfold. We pray for you. May God complete in you what He Himself has begun. Thank you to all who participated to make this happen, especially to Kevin Dempsey who oversaw the project from start to finish. It is so often the nature of the world we live in where profound good changes lives for the better and then sadly the evil actions of others destroys lives. Let us strive for the good in word and action as God has always willed. May we be consciously aware of the good we do and give God the glory for it is the same God who holds us up when the good is eclipsed by the obstacles and struggles of this world. Let us continue to pray for one another. Peace, Fr. Richard