Dear Father Richard, Dear beloved parishioners of St. Vincent's,
After Mass, I hasten to share with you the joy of all the faithful of St Paul's Parish in Nanpol and my joy on this occasion of the celebration of the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and renewal of baptismal promises (profession of faith).
But I come to tell you why we are so happy on this occasion. These are the photos I share with you. There are nineteen newly baptized. They started coming in September 2021, and at the same time they are enrolled in catechesis. What makes me happiest about all this is because we've never imposed anything on any of them. And we wanted to capture this moment of blessing in the parish community. Fr. Richard my brother, my sisters and brothers, Rejoice with us in this beautiful circumstance. The Lord has done wonders... here we are in joy! I believe that Kevin and Sr. Elsa will tell you more about what they saw in Nanpol. We also visited children who made their First Communion. Thank you again for everything you do for us. Thank you to each one of you. God will give it back to you a hundredfold.